Kingdom Parents: Prophetic Prayers For Children

Kingdom Parents: Prophetic Prayers For Children


October 24, 2022 - June 20, 2023    
10:00 pm - 10:30 pm


Event Type

NB: ** This is a recurring event.
First Cycle: October 24th to November 22nd, 2022
Second Cycle: November 28th to December 27th, 2022
Third Cycle: February 1st 2023 to March 3rd March 2023
Fourth Cycle: March 4th 2023 to April 2nd 2023
Fifth Cycle: April 3rd 2023 to May 21st 2023
Sixth Cycle: May 22nd 2023 to June 20th 2023

We are called to pray for our children. You have authority over everything that the enemy may bring your children’s way.
Whether you have children already or they are yet to come… Pray for them.

God wants to hear from you, with the cry of your own heart and in your words. What is it you’re crying to Him for your family?

Come let us pray for our children with fervency as we declare over them prophetically. No one can pray for your child better than you can.
This event is open for both ladies and gentlemen…Kingdom Parents.

This event is currently ongoing.
Contact:  +254717973304 via WhatsApp
Facilitators : Jason & Elizabeth Franklin (Founders, Coupled For Life Ministry)